Parents & Carers Community

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Parent & Carer Online Community House Rules

By James Reynolds posted 14-04-2023 10:03


Welcome to the Parent and Carer Online Community. These house rules have been designed to ensure we maintain a safe, supportive and productive online community for all members. Below are some guiding principles, but you can find the full terms and conditions of the Community here.

  1. This is a forum for parents and carers of children and young people attending NSW public schools. We want to hear from you about all things related to education, including health and well-being, technology, diversity and inclusion and curriculum. Posts that are unaffiliated and off-topic will be removed.
  2. Robust conversation and difference of opinion is fine but abuse and threatening behaviour will not be tolerated
  3.   This is an online community but real world rules still exist. Please avoid anything illegal, offensive or defamatory. We want to have real conversations everyone feels they can participate in, so avoid sensitive topics, like Faith, or triggering subject matter such as violence or abuse. If you do come across something in this community that you feel is out of place, use the ‘mark as inappropriate’ option in the reply button of the post and let the site admins sort it out.
  4.  This is a place for authentic conversation. Please do not promote a business, organisation or event, even one related to the topic at hand. 
  5.     Please be mindful of the PRIVACY of other members and those around you. Don’t share personal information about teachers, principals and school staff, and most definitely not about other students and their families. Remember to protect your own privacy and the privacy of your children- it’s much better to discuss things in general terms than to give too much identifying information.
  6. Please don’t seek, or give, any legal, medical or financial advice on this platform.
  7. Before making a post, we recommend you use the search function or view previous conversation 'tags' to check if any fellow community members have already asked a similar question. Please do not spam the community with repeated posts across multiple discussions.

A friendly reminder that the platform is not intended for the P&C Federation NSW to manage or respond to questions that include legal or confidential information; if you wish to discuss any matters which have this type of information or you require dedicated advice or support from the P&C Federation NSW staff, please contact the office directly by accessing our Contact Us page on the main website here.

If you're after more tips on how to get the most out of the platform, please refer to our FAQs

